Saturday, February 6, 2010

Monkeykid interviews herself :O

I'm back! Muhahahaha! Oops,Halloween isn't till October! You just lucked out! :P So anyways,I thought of something interesting. Why not interview myself? Hope it doesn't sound to desperate hehehehe! Maybe someday I really can be interviewed by somebody. :) Well...time to start the interview! Yay!

What is your favorite color?
The color of your face after I punch you! Just kidding,lime green. :)
Why would you talk like that about yourself?
I was just kidding!
Well that wasn't very nice!
Are you saying I don't have a heart?
If you didn't have a heart you'd be dead. I knew I was the smarter me.
We're the same person. Next question!
If you ever went to the moon,what would you wear?
Why would I want to go to the moon? I could die! If I had to go I'd where a clown suit.Astronomy could become very entertaining for the little kids. :)
Hahahaha very funny! :P I thought we were adventurous?!
Hey,that's your side of the brain not mine.
Well I do have the bigger side. :D So...where would you want to die?
Why would you wanna kill my side!?I make things funny and colorful! If WE were to die,I'd want to die in of those sleep number beds! I hear their comfy. :)
A sleep number bed? I want to run of to some forest and die under a peaceful tree like a Indian,which we're part!
I thought they went to a forest and ran into a tree to end it.
Do you even know anything about Native Americans?
Name one Tribe.
The uh...uh Pppeeetttrrrruueeewwwwy tribe.
Sure,so any crushes? ;)
Nope.By the way,you could've answered that one.
I know! I know! What kind of guy do you want?
I don't want any guy! What kind of guy,you make me sick!
I have to agree. I am not attracted to anyone. So tell them about our family.
Were people.
More detail?
We live in a house.
Your useless.We are a family of four,Mama,Daddy,Jordan,and us. We live in Texas. We are of Irish,Spanish,German,Native American,and a small percentage of Haitian ancestry.
Does it really matter?!
Yes! What if someone wants to know?
Then they can ask.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Um...not a doctor...I don't like health. Not a teacher...I can't handle 500 kids. Not a Banker..I don't like messing with money. Uh.....
Good grief! You could've just said a actress/musician/director/writer/chef!
Thank you for answering for me. :)
This is worthless! I'm going to bed!
But if you shutdown for the night,that means I'll shut.....down.zz_zz
Shh...byebye! :)

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