Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blah Blah Blah,Boring Beginnings!

Who am I? Is there a specific definition of me? No! I can tell you that I am human like many of you reading this...well I hope you guys are human. Well I'm Monkey Kid or Laura. I'm just a typical curious,tomboyish,13 year old girl. I'm still discovering me and your still discovering you. Starting to get pretty boring huh? Well don't worry. I'll be going on many of adventures and guess who's coming along with me? If you said "Not me!",then,EHHH! You are incorrect. I will drag you till I am hit by a car. Just kidding! Maybe. You can read about many adventures soon....just for $19.99! Kidding again! I like jacking with people. Heh heh!

Bye bye for now,Laura :)

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